Here is an overview of useful user parameters in SAP Sales & Distribution which add further functionality.
Some parameters are only available once the mentioned SAP note is implemented. There you can also find further information on how the parameter needs to be maintained as well as existing limitations.
Available User Parameters in SAP Sales & Disribution
Find below 19 User Parameters to activate new features in SAP SD.
Please read also the mentioned SAP note since not all parameters are available for each ERP or S/4 release.
Parameter ID | Description | SAP Note |
VKM_NO_CONF_PROMPT | Suppress the confirmation dialog when leaving VKM* transactions. | 2589665 |
MAT_CS_EXTEND_ENTR | Activates the input confirmation by pressing ‘Enter’ when managing cross-selling materials in transaction VA01. | 2596848 |
MAT_CS_DISABLE_SORT | Displays the suggested cross-selling material list in VA01 by the order they are maintained in transaction VB43. | 2614318 |
SD_TEXTID_DISPLAY | Displays the currently active text type above the text edit control on the long text screen in Sales & Distribution Documents (Sales, Shipping, Billing). | 2753787 |
PROD_HIERARCHY_IND | Displays an arrow sign to indicate subsequent product hierarchy levels. | 2626945 |
SD_SWU_ACTIVE | Activates the Generic Object Services (GOS) in transactions VA02 and VA03. | 598073 |
SD_PO_SEARCH_HITS | Sets the maximum search results when searching for a sales document by purchase order number. The system default is 500. | 864612 |
SD_GOS_ATTACHMENTS | Activates file attachments during document creation for transactions VA01, VA11, VA21, VA31 and VA41. | 2413663 |
SD_SLS_CHDOC_CLASSIC | Activates the classic selection screen and list for SD change documents. | 2789300 |
SD_VARIANT_MAINTAIN | Authorization for variant maintenance in SD. | 300633 |
DOCFLOW_DCLICK_NAVI | Enables navigation via double click on a document number from the sales document flow. | 2631700 |
DISPLAY_SDOC_RE_NAVI | Enables navigation to sales document in display mode when double clicking on a document in transaction VA05, VA15, VA25, VA35, VA45, VF05. System standard is navigation in change mode. | 2761156 |
VA_NAV | Enables automatic navigation to the correct document transaction from VA* transactions. Example: If a user enters an invoice number in transaction VA02, the system will automatically forward to transaction VF02 instead of showing an error message. **In S/4 systems this is standard behavior.** | 2419453 |
VF_NAV | Enables automatic navigation to the correct document transaction from VF* transactions. Example: If a user enters a sales order number in transaction VF02, the system will automatically forward to transaction VA02 instead of showing an error message. **In S/4 systems this is standard behavior.** | 2419453 |
VFX3_ENH_VKO | Enables multiple selection of sales organizations in transaction VFX3 (Release Billing Documents for Accounting) | 2663048 |
VF_CHECK | Enables a check if follow-on documents exist during creation of cancellation document with transaction VF11 or creation of credit/debit memos with reference to a billing document. | 2457362 |
VF04_ENH | Enables the tab ‘Further Selection’ with selection criteria ‘Created By’ and ‘Sales Office’ in transaction VF04. | 2658557 |
VF04_SEL | Enables prefilling of ‘Documents to be selected’ section in transaction VF04. | 2650026 |
VF_PREVIEW | Adds a button in transaction VF01/VF02/VF03 to allow output to be previewed. | 2633052 |