Force Element (IS-DFS-OF-FOR)
- /ISDFPS/11000002
- /ISDFPS/11000003
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE01
- /ISDFPS/11000004
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE03
- /ISDFPS/11000005
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE04
- /ISDFPS/11000006
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE05
- /ISDFPS/11000007
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE06
- /ISDFPS/11000013
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE02
- /ISDFPS/11000042
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_FE07
- /ISDFPS/11000055
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_SA04
- /ISDFPS/11000056
- /ISDFPS/11000068
- /ISDFPS/11000069
- /ISDFPS/11000070
- /ISDFPS/11000071
- Organizational Areas
- Structure Levels
- Structure Types
- Branches
- Readiness
- Classification of Armed Forces
- Material Indicators
- Display Change Documents
- Execute Material Plans
- Workflow Tree Customizing
- Used for Customizing Tree
- Call SE 16 for Workflow
Command and Support Relationships (IS-DFS-OF-REL)
- /ISDFPS/11000008
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR01
- /ISDFPS/11000010
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORSUP01
- /ISDFPS/11000011
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_ORMNT01
- /ISDFPS/11000031
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OOVK
- /ISDFPS/11000032
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_HR_OPPE12
- /ISDFPS/11000033
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_T77OMTAB
- Assgmt: Relationship - Basic Type
- Customizing Usage Types
- Maintenance Relatshps: Damage Types
- Supply Relatshps: Ext. Matl Groups
Structures Workbench (IS-DFS-OF-FDP)
- /ISDFPS/11000009
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OR02
- /ISDFPS/11000012
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_CFDP01
- /ISDFPS/11000034
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_V_DA04
- /ISDFPS/11000040
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA5
- /ISDFPS/11000041
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_FDPDA6
- Send CO Plan Prices
- Copy CO Standard Hierarchy
- Generate CO Standard Hierarchy
- Prepare CO Hierarchy in Operation
- Replace CO Standard Hierarchy
- Generate CO Account Assignment Objs
- Structures Workbench: Customizing
- Display Equipment Level
- Display Initial and Subs. Supply
- Display Material Situation
- NCG Planning Workbench
- Log. Operations Planning & Execution
- Log. Operations Planning & Execution
- Structures Workbench
- Overview of Infrastructure Material
- Post Infrastruc. Matl to Prior Per.
- Auth/Actl Comp. Infra.Matl LocMgmtFE
- Material Categories Planning
- Material Categories Planning
- Logistical Mission Support
- Logistical Mission Support
- Auth./Actl Comp. w. Matl Container
- Personnel Categories Planning
- Personnel Categories Planning
- Position Generator: HCP
- HCP Position Generator
- Relocation Planning
- Relocation Planning
- Relocation Execution
- Relocation Execution
- Commitment Item: Expenditure View
- Commitment Item: Revenues View
- Support Relationships
- Support Relationships
- Disband Force Element in Operation
- Exclusion Objs Auth./Actl Comparison
- Assignment of Technical Objects
- Assignment of Technical Objects
- Organizational Structure and Tasks
- Organizational Structure and Tasks
- Accounting Organizational Basis
- Accounting Organizational Basis
- Command and Control Support
- Command and Control Support
- Logistics Organizational Basis
- Logistics Organizational Basis
- Material Organizational Basis
- Material Organizational Basis
- Personnel Organizational Basis
- Personnel Organizational Basis
- Task Organization
- Task Organization
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
- Structures Workbench
Materials Management (IS-DFS-MM)
- /ISDFPS/11000014
- /ISDFPS/11000049
- /ISDFPS/11000061
- /ISDFPS/11000062
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PURG
- /ISDFPS/11000063
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/V_PREQ
- /ISDFPS/11000064
- /ISDFPS/11000065
- /ISDFPS/11000066
- /ISDFPS/11000067
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/PRIO
- Change MRP Areas
- Create MRP Areas
- Display MRP Areas
- Delete MRP Areas
- Selects MRP Area for Stor. Loc.
- Maintain WM Addnl Attributes (Basis)
- Cust.: Assign Receiver PO Doc. Type
- Cust: Release ID f. Synchronization
- Open Docs for Supply Relationship
- Number Range Mainten.: /ISDFPS/CM
- Cust:Cust: Cross-System Commands
- Cust.: Assign Log.Syst. to Plnt/SLoc
- Cust.: Cross-System Basic Settings
- Display Initial Supply Status
- Processing of HUs from EPA
- Create External Batch Usage
- Display External Batch Usage
- Execute Initial Supply Run
- Create/Change Shipping Points
- Trigger Initial Supply Run
- Maintain WM Addnl Attributes Online
- Maintain WM Addnl Attributes in List
- Display WM Addnl Attributes in List
- Create Warehouse Structure
- Change Warehouse Structure
- Display Warehouse Structure
- Delete Warehouse Number
- Copy Material Master Data
- Material Stock List for MPO/MC
- Purchase Requisition Exception List
- Create Return Delivery PReqs
- Transport in the Event of a Transfer
- Open Docs for Supply Relationship
- Assignment of Shipping Pt to Plant
- Background: Prioritized Matls Plng
- Dialog: Prioritized Materials Plng
- Document Processing Log
- Change Declaration Planning Scope
- Display Declaration Planning Scope
- Create/Change MRP Controller
- Display MRP Controller
- ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level
- ILN for SSCC-Gen. at StorLoc Level
- Shpg Deadline - Chg. Ldng Time Info
- Shpg Deadline - Disp. Ldng Time Info
- Shpg Deadl- Chg. Pick/Pack Time Info
- Shpg Deadl-Disp. Pick/Pack Time Info
- Picking _ Change Stor.Loc. Determin.
- Picking - Display Stor.Loc.Determin.
- Change Loading Points per Shpg Point
- Display Loading Points per Shpg Pt
- Change Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)
- Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (SLoc)
- Change Shpg Pt Determination (Plant)
- Disp. Shpg Pt Determination (Plant)
- Deliveries for Relocation
- Display Relocation Deliveries
- Complete Relocation Purch. Orders
- Carry Out Own Transport
- Mass Change of Log. Syst. in FEs
- /ISDFPS/V_024_U
- Create/Change Purchasing Group
- /ISDFPS/V_024_V
- Display Purchasing Group
- Rescheduling for Defense
Material Categories (IS-DFS-OF-MPO)
- /ISDFPS/11000020
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE02
- /ISDFPS/11000021
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE03
- /ISDFPS/11000022
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE04
- /ISDFPS/11000023
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE05
- /ISDFPS/11000024
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE06
- /ISDFPS/11000025
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE11
- /ISDFPS/11000026
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE13
- /ISDFPS/11000027
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE14
- /ISDFPS/11000028
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE12
- /ISDFPS/11000029
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/_OPPE15
- /ISDFPS/11000030
- Auth. Materials and Material Pkgs
- Material Planning Obj. Number Range
- Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
- Migration Data for iPPE Workbench
- Scheduled Material Planning Objects
- Remove Material Planning Objects
- S_KL1_11000037
- Authorized/Actual Comparison of MPO
- S_KL1_11000038
- Scheduled Material Planning Objects
- S_KL1_11000039
- Remove Material Planning Objects
Maintenance (IS-DFS-PM)
- /ISDFPS/11000051
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUB
- /ISDFPS/11000052
- IMG Activity: /ISDFPS/CIL21SUP
- Hist. Insts: Customiz. Field Sel.
- Hist. Inst. Locs: Cust. Field Sel.
- List Display of Alt. Equip. History
- Extended Equip. History (Hierarchy)
Distributed System Landscape (IS-DFS-BIT-DIS)
- /ISDFPS/89000007
- Maintain Distributed Sys. Landscape
- Generate CCMS Nodes for System
- Start Inbound Processing
- Maintain DFPS System Landscape
- DFPS ALE Status Monitor
- Start RBDAPP01
- Start RSEIDOC2
- Start RSEOUT00
- Start RSNAST00
- Switches the CUA Connection
- Switch Ports for ALE Partner Profile
- Set System to Offline Mode
- Set System to Online Mode
- Switch Mode of ALE-PV (In)
- Switch Mode of ALE-PV (Out)
- Monitor Partner System
- Display Connection Status
- Synchronization with Partner System
Mobile Materials Management (IS-DFS-MA-MM)
- /ISDFPS/99000002
- Maintenance View for BSART
- Maintain View Cluster for BWB
- Maintain View Cluster for BWS
- Maintain View Cluster for REQ
Basis Technology R/3 (IS-DFS-BIT)
- DFPS Request Material Master
- DFPS Create Customizing Transport
- Activate DFPS Table Logging
- DFPS Delete HR Master Data
- Check Global Number Ranges
- Definition of Global Number Ranges
- Create New Fiscal Year for NR
- Create New Fiscal Year for NR
- Clean Up GNR Data for System
- Reset DFPS Table Logging
- Show Application Logs
- User Distribution
Line Maintenance (IS-DFS-LM)
- Transaction Call with Memory Export
- Cust.: Confign Cd Classes to Mod. ID
- Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
- Customizing: Controlled Usage Rate
- Cust.: Master Equipment Sts Objects
- Customizing: Flight Types
- Customizing: Flight Status Objects
- Customizing: Order Type Tech. Status
- Cust.: Notification Type Tech. Sts
- Cust.: Activate Intersession Events
- Customizing: Model IDs (WS)
- Customizing: Status Function
- Cust.: Technical Status Semantics
- Cust.: Status Board Transactions
- Customizing: User Status Icons
- Customizing: Usage Rate
- Enter Aircraft Accident
- Start Controlled Usage Rate
- Add/Change Operational Role
- Display Operational Role
- Create Flight
- Change Flight
- Display Flight
- Change Mission
- Flight Overview
- Create Equipment (Operation Equip.)
- Change Equipment (Operation Equip.)
- Display Equipment (Operation Equip.)
- Change or Add Site
- Display Site
- Overview of Technical Status
Role Generator (IS-DFS-BIT-PG)
- Comparison of the AGR Tables
- Role Generator
- Update the Org. Level Fields
- Comparison of Organizational Levels
- Update the Org. Level Fields
Distributed Maintenance (IS-DFS-PM-DIS)
- Activate Gen. Obj. Srvc “Chg Auth.”
- Multi-Level Reference Location List
- Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Meas. Pt
- Multi-Level R.P. List: Ref. Location
- Multi-Level R.P. List: Class
- Multi-Level R.P. List: Char.
- Multi-Level R.P. List: Document
- Forward Change Authorization
- Objects with Change Auth. in System
- Generic Maintenance Obj Distribution
- “Distribution Factory” Monitor
- Maintenance Data Redistribution
Implementation of Organizational Flexibility in Logistics (IS-DFS-MM-OF)
- Maintain Relocations/Reloc. Steps
- Maintain Relocation
- Maintain Relocation Steps
- Maintain Weight Groups
- Maintain Relocation Types
- Maintain Relocation
- Maintain Relocation Steps
- Plan Relocation for Complete FE
Master Data Distribution (IS-DFS-PDR)
- Replication Workbench - Enhanced
- Test Explosion FOX for FORCE
- ALE Distribution Units - Enhanced
- Create ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
- Change ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
- Display ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
- Copy ALE Distr. Unit - Enhanced
- Change Geolocation
- Display Geolocation
- Change Reportable Item Code
- Display Reportable Item Code
Status Board (IS-DFS-LM-STS)
- Status Board (Change Mode)
- Status Board (Display Mode)
Personnel Categories (IS-DFS-OF-PER)
- Material Assignment
Organizational Flexibility (IS-DFS-OF)
- Mass Changes
- Support Relationships Mass Change
- Structure Evaluations
- Op./Ex. Calendar - Force Provider
- O/E Calendar - Cmd Responsibility
- Check Organizational Structures
Mobile Human Resources Management (IS-DFS-MA-HR)
- Maintain Preselection of HR Objects
- Maint. of Usage Types Rel. for MA
Mobile Applications (IS-DFS-MA)
- Maintenance: Program Object CP1
- Generation of Initial IDocs
- Generation of Deletion Record IDocs
- Call BD21 for Delta Download
- Generate Change Pointers (DB Log)
- Log Display f. Local User Administ.
Logistical Requirements (IS-DFS-OF-MPA)
- Process Provisions Packages
- Display Material Packages
- Material Package Number Range
- Internal Transaction for PPA